Sharing Germs & 5 Immune-Boosting Tips

At BRAISED we are thankful for the time spent with family this past holiday season and for the memories created. One thing I am O-V-E-R is all the germs shared - yes, being that we are in 'the family bed' phase of life...we ALL got the crud. As I’ve been diving into our self-health toolbox I thought I’d share a few of our immune-boosting tips and products for kicking this sickness’ ass.
First, bone broth (duh!). There’s a reason we crave soup when we’re not feeling well. Containing gelatin, collagen and minerals, bone broth is great for gut health (where 80% of the immune system lives), hydration and electrolyte balance. In short, regularly enjoying bone broth = good gut health = a healthy immune system = cells that are able to reduce inflammation = a decreased duration for a cold or flu virus! Dr. Mark Hyman agrees that bone broth is an “immune-supportive beverage.” A classic bone broth stir-in is organic garlic picked up from my peeps over at Grade A Farms. If you show up to my house just expect us all to have kickin’ garlic breath. Crushed or sliced garlic is high in allicin which boosts the bodies germ-fighting response.
Other go-to immune boosters or super foods include: elderberry syrup, Redmond’s Real Salt, and our newest favorite - Malama Mushrooms’ Cordyceps Cacao Mix.
Elderberry syrup is a popular remedy used to prevent and shorten the length of the cold and flu virus. Elderberries are known for their anti-viral properties. Our friends at Holton Homestead make a mean Elderberry Tonic. They even have a Elderberry Bracer which is crafted without honey so it can be consumed by infants and young children! A bonus is they use organic, locally grown elderberries.
Now, did you know that the body uses salt to manufacture antibodies? That’s pretty important immune support! Salt, as we all experience, is a very misunderstood (essential) nutrient and deserves its own post entirely. But for today, my recommendation is 1) use the RIGHT kind of salt (ours has forever been Redmond’s Real Salt with over 60+ trace minerals) and 2) minimize processed foods that contain refined salts that create imbalance in the body. In times of sickness, up the use of your salt in your broth, on meals, and even add some to your water to drink and/or gargle. We’ve also been making salt compresses for nighttime use on the chest to help with the coughing.
Finally, my new favorite (do you know my obsession with medicinal mushrooms?) - Malama Mushroom Cordyceps Cacao Mix. I met the founder, Benjamin Lillibridge, at the Health and Fitness Expo this past weekend and fell in love with his products and passion using mushrooms to heal our bodies and the planet. New Stir-in Alert!!! I’ve been putting the Cordyceps powder into my broth (yes, the cacao and cinnamon taste wonderful, which is a nice surprise) and my coffee this week. Cordyceps militaris is a fungi famous for its revitalizing benefits. Evidence from the human trials show the active compounds can support muscular endurance and respiratory capability.
Lots to throw at you with all these options, but I challenge you to try at least one new thing to build your immune care arsenal. We want to hear from you. What are your favorite home remedies for cold and flu season?